Saturday, September 8, 2007

Caches & clues

If you're not familiar with the activity of 'geocaching', it consists of using a GPS to find a hidden 'cache' - they are all over the place, I found two on a trip to Chester today. Sometimes your GPS will not be accurate enough to locate the cache and a clue will be given.
So as not to make it easy, these clues are always given in a fairly simple code, so you can't read them by accident if you don't want to, and this is fair enough, but sometimes the clues are so vague as to be meaningless, and it makes you wonder why people bother - two examples, bearing in mind that given factors like cloud cover and urban architecture, your GPS may be accurate to +/-8ft or +/-150ft

1 - in Chester today, the clue was 'Ivy Covered Tree' - this on an isolated mound with a eight or more trees on it, only one of which was not covered in Ivy
2 - in the Lakes the other week - 'in the rocks where the ground slopes away' - this on a rock covered summit, where the ground slopes away in every direction

Two clues, neither of which help - why bother ?

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