Monday, September 17, 2007

Hospice Walk - update

A pleasant 8 mile stroll from Haigh Hall, around Red Rock and Arley, and through the grounds of some very posh houses !
And the rain held off - we must have been good

(8 miles - but we reckon the dog did 24 !)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

White Coppice Walk

Hi MIke,

Great website. I have enjoyed all of the walks that I have done from your site around the Rivington/Anglesarke/White Coppice area.

I have attempted to do the White Coppice walk a couple of times and I always seem to get lost around this part of the route. I haven't got a GPS just yet, when I do the walk. I manage to get into the forest and head down left until I find the bridge mentioned on the route. But I always seem to get lost after there. I found Watson's Farm but I can't seem to find the path nearby to Watson Farm. Where am I going wrong?



Ling Family History

I am currently researching my great grandfather (william herbert ling) who was a gamekeeper in scorton .he lived at pasture bottom and i would be grateful if you could give me directions there and where he may have lived.any help would be much appreciated.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

'Walk for Life' - 16th Sept

Before I forget, 16th of September sees Wigan Hospice's annual 'Walk For Life'. It has a different format from previous years, and you can find details at Wigan Hospice's Walk for a Life website

I'll be there - will you ?

Caches & clues

If you're not familiar with the activity of 'geocaching', it consists of using a GPS to find a hidden 'cache' - they are all over the place, I found two on a trip to Chester today. Sometimes your GPS will not be accurate enough to locate the cache and a clue will be given.
So as not to make it easy, these clues are always given in a fairly simple code, so you can't read them by accident if you don't want to, and this is fair enough, but sometimes the clues are so vague as to be meaningless, and it makes you wonder why people bother - two examples, bearing in mind that given factors like cloud cover and urban architecture, your GPS may be accurate to +/-8ft or +/-150ft

1 - in Chester today, the clue was 'Ivy Covered Tree' - this on an isolated mound with a eight or more trees on it, only one of which was not covered in Ivy
2 - in the Lakes the other week - 'in the rocks where the ground slopes away' - this on a rock covered summit, where the ground slopes away in every direction

Two clues, neither of which help - why bother ?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Online update

Changes to homepage and blog links uploaded - please note the Blackstone Edge walk is still 'under construction' !!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More Free Walks to walk

Courtesy of Country Walking magazine and Natural Northwest, there are 25 walks in the northwest of England to download here
They look like a good variety - I may well do one or two

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Beer Hunter

If you are having a decent pint at the end of your walk this weekend, have one for Michael Jackson, presenter of 'The Beer Hunter' documentary a few years ago, who died last week at the age of 55

on-line changes

Gleninchaquin (Co Kerry, Eire) walk uploaded for the september - Blackstone Edge walk (Derbyshire) to be uploaded shortly

Friday, August 31, 2007

offline changes

links and buttons for blog pages put in place offline

It's a start

Well, you have to start somewhere, so here is where we start